Sunday, August 26, 2012


This summer Nick and I have decided to live more healthier and active lifestyles. We have both drastically changed our eating habits over a month ago and have taken up hobbies that give us a great workout. We purchased this kayak recently in order to take advantage of the beautiful bay that we can see from our deck. 
We have been indulging in fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins and so far have lost quite a few inches & pounds. Below is a picture of a breakfast casserole made with almond milk, eggs, cheese, spinach, and turkey bacon. Nick has been working with a personal trainer in the mornings & i've been taking up pilates, yoga, and running in order to train for a marathon next year. Nick just got promoted with the navy and will be moving up a rank. (I am so proud of him) I only have one more eight week course to complete and then my bachelors will be complete before I start my MBA in the spring. Just thought i'd update this blog a little bit to let our friends and family that are far from us know how we are doing. Hope everyone is doing well & remember to keep in touch! Also, please pass on any healthy recipes you may want to share with us!